Why Gamify?
In the article, “Harnessing the Power of Game Dynamics,” Kim states that gamification is the process of game thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems. The author states that games can help in learning because people are more:
engaged, and
achieve more in games than in the real world
Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Whether made for education purposes or just for entertainment goals, a video game requires student to make smart decisions quickly. To advance in a game, you must be able to resort to logic, strategic-thinking, and quick problem-solving. The sooner you react with a smart solution, the better you position yourself in the game.
The only gamers that prevail are those who are artful problem-solvers able to tackle any challenge with confidence, employing successfully critical thinking and staying resilient in face of an obstacle. Being creative and seeing unconventional paths is a great asset in gaming. Needless to say, these skills are crucial for one’s education as well.
Focus and Memory Capacity
One of the greatest things about gaming is that by putting players in a variety of circumstances, it forces them to remain constantly alert and focused, thus gradually improving their attention span and memorization skills.
According to Csikszentmihalyi's (1990) psychology of flow, when a person plays a game, they are in a state of flow. This state promotes enjoyment, focus, and creates a post-emergent state of mind. It not only leads students into deep learning, but also creates an optimal state of learning and relaxation.
Soft Skills
One of the most underrated benefits of gaming in education is the fact that it can generate an improvement in areas related to social and psychological well-being. Despite what non-gamers believe, gaming is a social activity that promotes soft skills such as communication, team collaboration, and leadership. Many educational and non-educational games are centered around team building, thus stimulating students to play together.
To achieve a goal, players must either work together or compete against each other, which leads them to refine their ability to develop relationships. Additionally, success in gaming translates to better self-esteem, motivation, and engagement.